
Pointing out errors

Back in the aughts, Marked Up was a semi-political blog. I let the blog die with my at-home server farm. Now, in the 2020s, politics have taken an ugly turn and I’ve found it better for my mental health to ignore them as much as possible, which is increasingly difficult, but one can try.

My intent – I’m writing this on day two after creating the WordPress account – is to approach everything from a Scholastic point of view. Note the capitalization. Words mean things and modern writing has gotten incredibly sloppy. An Aristotelian perspective is at least different.

I have two goals for this blog: Tracking my commentary at other sites (these posts will have a “comment” category) and keeping a journal of things I want the history of; the Learning 2 Bake, from Scratch series (L2BFS category) is one of these. Note that neither goal requires anyone else to read the blog.